Element "Cases / One Media File"

  • exactly one image or video shown
  • Can be used outside of cases too, but main use case will be there.
  • image aspect ratio stays what is uploaded, no cutting. width is resized to ~viewport width, height proportional
  • min. image size 1920 x 800px, bigger images welcome
  • for videos, please make sure that aspect ratio of poster/placeholder image matches the actual video ratio
  • landscape content will be resized automatically
  • possibility to add background color

Variant with slim image

Autoplay video

  • no sound, no controls
  • placeholder image ("poster")

Full Video element

  • controls
  • desktop & mobile video
  • placeholder image ("poster")

Testüberschrift um zu schauen wie die beiden in Kombination aussehen

Full Video element

  • controls
  • desktop & mobile video
  • placeholder image ("poster")
  • reduced size with "add padding"

Testüberschrift um zu schauen wie die beiden in Kombination aussehen

Testüberschrift um zu schauen wie die beiden in Kombination aussehen
